Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Death of cubones mother

Disclaimer-if u can't Handle gore then don't read this story also I wrote this story by myself the topic came from a friend name eevee.

One day on a bright day pikachu was walking home through lavender town when he notices a tower burning.As he looks up he see ten pokemon fleeing the tower and they were all crying.Pikachu witness what looked like a cubone crying.He goes over to cubone and asked why are you crying? Cubone says my mom has died in the fire and she try to climb out and made it to behind the poke-center.Pikachu asked are you sure,this can't be can't be true. 

 Cubone takes pikachu behind the poke-center and pikachu see a burnt body lying there. The body had its flesh slowly dripping off its body and the bones slowly melting away.Pikachu turns away and looks at cubone with a look of sorrow.Then another scream could be herd coming from the tower.Pikachu goes to where the scream came from and he sees a pokemon without its head and blood pouring outa of its body. He see a pokemon crying and goes over and ask what happend? Charizard says my young boy was helping pull pokemon out the burining tower and part of the stairs broke free and swung wildly and it hit him straight on the head. 

The End or is it??????  

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